This month we're talking about:

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Helene in Wall Heath: On Your Marks, Easter and BIG GIG 2012

When Helene arrived in Wall Heath, West Midlands she was invited to attend the District Leaders' meeting, where a very special day out was being planned for the Rainbows’ 25th birthday. We hope it will be a big adventure!  While Helene was at the meeting, she became an honorary member of Himley Division and was presented with our centenary pin – we hope she’ll continue to wear the badge as she continues her global journey.

Everyone's a winner
At Guides, the girls had completed the sport stage of On Your Marks... At previous Guide nights we had made energy bars, created a new fitness activity and had a mini games night and tonight was the award ceremony.  Everyone was a winner and got a gold medal (chocolate of course). Helene had a special mini-medal made for her. Not many medals made it home!
There were some very spEGGtactular designs
The Guides also were doing Easter crafts. Helene helped the Guides make an Easter card or a decorated egg.

Saturday 31st March. It was BIG GIG day!! We travelled by train in our frilly tutus, and Helene got her own special one. When we got there some Guides bought BIG GIG badges and bags, but the Leaders just wanted a cup of tea!

Check out our badges!
The concert started with The Saturdays and everyone started dancing and singing.  Helen Skelton presented the acts and she got all the Guides stamping and screaming. There were lots of good acts but our favourite was Olly Murs. Only two of the Guides had been to Big Gig before so Helene and the Guides were amazed to see so many Guides.

Helene has a tutu too
The Guides said: ‘ It’s been amazing’.  ‘Absolutely brilliant’. ‘Enjoyed it a lot, Olly Murs was the best’.  ‘Big Gig rocks. I loved it when Rizzle Kicks was on the stage’. ‘Hope we can go next year.’

On the way home, there were so many Guides wanting to get on the trains, they had to close the platform, but only for a short time. We were soon on the train home, very excited but very tired, and rather quiet – we had no voices left! We hope Helene gets her voice back for her next adventure...

Look at all those Guides!

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