This month we're talking about:

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Easter eggs and Zumba! An exciting week for Helene in Sussex

All the Easter bunnies together
Over the last week I’ve been busy visiting Brede Brownies in Sussex East (LaSER). They're a small group of 16 Brownies and they were all really friendly and so excited I’d come to visit.
I went to their last meeting of term before the Easter holidays and was treated to an evening of fun games and Easter chocolate.
The Brownies in Brede had planned the evening themselves and had decided they wanted to make bunny ears and play Easter themed games. We also had an Easter egg hunt in garden overlooking the fields of East Sussex which was beautiful. The Brownies showed me around and were very kind and made me a set of ears and hid me a chocolate egg to find in the garden.
Check out my ears!
As well as all of these exciting activities some of the new Brownies read the Brownie story to me as they are going to make their promise next term which is great!

At the weekend I went on a bit of a journey to visit London Over the Border County at one of their Senior Section events. The event was called ‘Look Wider Go Further’ and it was designed to inform older Guides and Senior Section about the different opportunities available to them. Throughout the weekend the participants took part in activities that helped them to complete phase one of the different octants. Some of the activities including...
Cooking the rabbit
Cooking a thai green/red curry and learning about the Millenium Development goals through Together We Can (international), casualty themed make up, making pretty recycled jewellery and karaoke (creativity), a Zumba, Yoga and Wii Dance session (fit for life), skinning and cooking a rabbit (independent living), SMS Treasure hunt (out of doors) and lots, lots more! It was a busy weekend and many of the older Guides used it as their Baden Powell Challenge or as a residential experience for Look Wider. The girls also had sessions on In4mers, Queen’s Guide and International opportunities.

It was such a busy weekend I’m looking forward to a bit of rest before I arrive at my next destination!!

1 comment:

  1. You may be pleased to know that when Helene arrived with us this week, she was still wearing her Easter Bunny Ears.
