This month we're talking about:

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Helene's been in Maryland finding out all about Girl Scouts in the USA

Bears together!
Helene has had a busy week in the USA, Southern Maryland St Mary's County! She was disappointed to have missed Cookie Sales (which is in March) but was excited to hear that 2012 is the Girl Scouts of America's 100th Anniversary. She discovered that Juliette Gordon Low (a friend of the Baden Powell family) brought Girl Guides over to the USA.

At the beginning of her week, Helene made two new friends; Guide Bear and little Guide Bear. She enjoyed looking at all the fun things Girl Scouts get to do!

Helene found out that in Girl Scouts you start at Daisy level (5-6), move to Brownies (6-8) then to Juniors (8-11), then Cadettes (11-14), then Seniors and Ambassadors (14-17).

Lots of things Junior Girl Guides can do -
 a folder, badge sheets and one of three
 'journeys' girls can choose from
Helene was taken sight-seeing around southern Maryland and up to Washington DC. She saw Drum Point lighthouse (a lighthouse built to protect the Chesapeake Bay) and the Washington Monument. We even bought her a badge to say she has seen the lighthouse and she picked up a postcard to send on with her!

She then had fun at her first Girl Scout meeting. She did activities about roles of women and stereotypes. She also started two badges (Playing the Past and Animal Habitat). She had fun working with the girls making paper dolls and creating costumes from the past that they could wear.

Phew! After all that, Helene was rather worn out but was looking forward to joining the Girl Scouts at the County Spring Festival on Sunday before setting off on her next journey…

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