This month we're talking about:

Friday, 2 March 2012

Make your own carbon footprint!

To think about respect  for the environment and to celebrate World Thinking Day, 1st Belmont Guides made their real life carbon footprints! They had to write anything negative that they do to the environment. Jenny said that she leaves her mobile on charge when it has a full battery, for example, and Rachel said that when she goes shopping, she gets lots of plastic bags! Then 1st Belmont Guides made their hands with what they could do to respect the environment more - Zoe said she will put a jumper on when she is cold and Havana simply said "We need to reduce, reuse and recycle." We also had a fun game of pass the parcel and sorted the layers to recycle! And the girls loved "Energy burst" a fun energiser game from the Together We Can Millennium Development Goals resource, even though it is meant to be for Rainbows and Brownies! Do you have any good ideas of ways to help girls think about their impact on the environment? Put them as a comment below!

Lizzy – Leader 1st Belmont Guides, Durham South

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